Sunday, May 26, 2019


I believe that in this course we got a lot of trust from Dr. Preston and from the whole school. Throughout the year we had to make difficult chooses and also had to have trust in him the same way he had in us even though sometime we forget how much trust he really has in us to make choose that will help us not hurt us. For example the same week he meet all of us he let us choose if we wanted to be like everyone else or trust in him and each other that what we were going to do for the rest of the year was for the best. Sure we all at some point didn't now how it was going to happen and I believe for maybe a second he had to lost trust in us for all the times we mess around but at the end, he knows that it was going to work out at the end. 

Throughout the past couple of months, we learned about different characters like Jean Valjean and Cosette. All of them have something that can be parts of my journey like when Cosette was left by her mom it's like when I was born my mom would take me to godmother's house and she became like my second mom and sometimes I talk to my godmother more than I do to my mom. I can also connect to Jean Valjean because sometimes I think why is society the way it is just like he did when he first got out of jail because he was just trying to get food for his family but the world turned on him in a second. Even though throughout Jean Valjean's story he found what he was looking for which was Cosette and I think I found what I was looking for throughout this course.

During this course, I learn a lot about myself. I learn that writing stories that other people can read make me so happy. I learned that people might actually like the stories that I write and without even realizing it I encouraged other people to do the same and hearing their stories are the best. I might not end up being a writer but I at least showed people that I have the power and courage to show people who I really am and I would want to continue trying to write stories for people to read and feel happy and fall in love with the characters.

Through out the course of the year, Dr. Preston had to find ways to make get our attenecton when we were busy on other things like the book or just distracted on our phones. He would grad a book and bang it on the desk so now that he does that i just start luaghing at the thought of him waiting for our reactions. It would also make me laugh when kids in our class were disdracted so he would trouw a pen or a marker to get their attention and it would make me laugh to see Dr. Prestons face when the kids get mad. At the end of the day, he would do that so we would be concentrated on the important parts of the course like the Masterpiece academy.

The past couple of weeks all we been working on was the Masterpiece academy. When I was watching a lot of presentations a lot of them stood out to me like Brayan's presentation on How do scientists know what colors do dogs see? I found it intresting because in his presentation you can tell he really loved what he was researching. Just like Kate and Alondra were talking about their own reason on why they love art. To them, it can mean different things and they have a different reason but they realized what they loved even if they stopped doing it for so long. I also learned from Denisse that even if you put your hard earned money into a business it doesn't mean it's going to succeed. It can also be the best bussness idea but people will still not beilive in it enough and it might break your heart to see that but it happenes in the world and mostly to woman around the world. I also learned through all of these presentations that everyone might have a different mindset about something but at the end, if you love something and want to learn about it you can show that and people can tell you love what you are talking about just by the way you talk about it.

I think that through this course I learn about the hero's journey. The hero's journey is when a hero goes out onto an adventure and comes back changed with a new mindset like Odysseus or Jean Valjean. To me, I think that everyone could be consed a hero because everyone goes through something in their life that changes them for the better or for the worst. In the past couple of months i had to conquer challenges like myself. To me the thing that can stop me the most is the fear that i have inside of myself. I have to learn to trust myself even if i do fall 100 feet down i had to learn to get up and try again because even if i stop my self I know if I want to be someone someday i have to risk it.

Thursday, May 9, 2019


I have a writer's conference coming up with Dr. Preston, and I am excited to go over my stories that i have written like "Dare to Love" and also my big project that I did on powerpoint.  I chose these two pieces for specific reasons. I chose my stories because those are one of the many posts that I loved to written and read over and over again. I chose my Big Question because it got me thinking about the world around us not just what we think is normal.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Monkey see/hear/do

On my masterpiece topic is based on how we see and hear the world so with my presentation I will have to show people what I mean with pictures but I will also use hearing to get them to hear audio that everyone hears differently.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

weekend eassy

Jean Valjean, in my opinion, is a dynamic character. A dynamic character is a character that changes throughout the story. I believe that Jean Valjean is a dynamic character because of the way he changed from being mad at the world to have a good heart to being there for Cosette when she needed someone.

Jean Valjean started the story with him hating the world because of all of the bad things that have happened to him. Like the police made him go to jail because he was trying to get food for his family. he also didn't get what he deserved like when he was going to get out of the prison they didn't give him the money that he deserved.

After everything that he went through with the prison he got out and he meets the bishop of Dane. When they first meet Jean Valjean still thought that the world was cruel but then the bishop taught him that the world was good that if he was good it was a good back. After that visit with the bishop, he learned that its true that the world was good.  He also wanted to help the people just like the bishop of Dane did. He became the mayor of a town and saved a person's life. Who later on is helping him with Cosette.

Jean Valjean also changed the minute he saw Cosette. When he saw Cosette and started to talk to her and see her happy he changed again. He changed from caring for other people to just caring about Cosette. To him Cosette was his everything, after all, she did call him father which to him made her even more special to him because finally, he could take care of the one person that loved him.

Jean Valjean changed a lot through the story. the changed from hating the world to wanting everyone to love each other to be a father figure for Cosette.

Journal 4/28/20

If I were to write a book about life during the Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020 I would title it the lost kids. I would name it that for the re...